EMSUB What we've been doing
September 2023
A great trip to Scapa with lots of opportunity to explore wrecks and for the techies to get their fill. Only one day missed due to the weather but blessed with beautiful rainbow and dolphins.

August 2023
Amazing mix of divers and non-divers, our first club trip to Malta welcomed the whole family. Beautiful blue water diving, wrecks, marine life in abundance and plenty of swim throughs kept beginners, advanced and the techies happy. A trip to the Comino caverns highlighted the beautiful and varied topography of the islands with a most welcome visit from the "ice-cream boat" between dives. The non-divers even had the opportunity to try dive in the ocean. Accommodation was superb providing space for BBQ entertainment and antics in the pool. This was a trip to tick bucket lists and it didn't disappoint.

Rare spot of a cuttlefish out of season

June 2023
Ever resilient to the weather we adapted to the conditions and overcome where possible. Saturday was a hardboat off the Llyn Peninsular, the sun was shining and the diving was excellent. Sunday was a special dive to in Vivian quarry in Llanberis. Check out the photos to see if you can spot the dynamite holes

EMSUB divers on the boat in Anglesey

EMSUB divers on the boat in Anglesey
June 2023
Challenging trip dive wise with some deep wrecks, Binnendijk, M2 and Aeolian Sky. The highlight for me was the M2. With a quiet nod to those who passed with its sinking, this wreck did not fail to amaze. Good visibility allowed us to see this beautifully preserved submarine and the abundance of life on it. The biggest conger eel ever!
The trip was made interesting when the club assisted a small rib vessel and the RNLI find 5 missing divers. All located safely and returned to their families - Well done EMSUB!

May 2023
Big club trip with 16 members going plus another 3 guests. The weather was not in our favour and although not great most managed to get a dive in on Saturday.
Sunday was much better with hardly a ripple. Altogether a great weekend with good diving achieved, a lot learned and many laughs throughout.
The trip was enjoyed so much we've booked to go again next year!

Egypt - Marsa Nakari
December 2022
First time in Egypt, excellent food, accommodation and staff. Lots of house reef diving where we saw baby white tip reef sharks, blue spotted rays, puffer fish, crocodile fish and moray eels. Hannah and Paul were lucky enough to see a turtle. A few of us had one trip to “Dolphin House” and completed a spectacular swim through, alas no dolphins.
Congratulations to Hannah for completing her 100th dive. After some skilful gymnastics to create a pyramid, we (our group plus Monty) were led over the shallow reef (10m) of the south shore. Such abundance of life in the shallower waters. The end of the week was finished with a ride into the sunset on a camel and quad bikes.
All in all, an excellent week with plenty of diving and laughs.

Egypt - Marsa Shagra
November 2022
Big camp, but very very, well run. Diving-wise exactly same set up as Nakari, with more trip options.
Best dive of the week was Shagra 5, a reef system used by liveaboards. Loaded with life, colour and some very nice swim throughs. The two baby sharks trying to hide out of the way were nice to see and the healthy reef with plenty of anemones etc. Overall, we saw reef sharks, oceanic white tips, barracuda, lots of turtles, octopus, a big sea snail (huge thing it was), a dugong, which was a first for me and lots of other stuff.
Sea was warm, with some very peculiar cold spots, not related to shade! Food and such were great.
Great fun had by all.

October 2022
The beginning of October saw members of EMSUB go for an exploratory trip to Anglesey, checking out great shore and RIB dives for return visits next year. What a beautiful island and lovely people. We hooked up with the local BSAC club who gave us support and guidance. Despite there being a bit of a draft, we all managed to get wet, come back with loads of ideas for next year, made some new friends and had lots of laughs with old.

Farne Islands
September 2022
Gusty wind on Saturday meant no diving, not missing an opportunity to support the locals we headed off to Holy Island to blow off the cobwebs and sample a drop of mead.
Sunday was better, much calmer swell and able to complete 2 seal dives in the sheltered south side of the islands. Not to disappoint there was plenty of seal activity with lots of encounters. Making memories to last.

Welcome break on Holy Island

Welcome break on Holy Island
August 2022
A fantastic weeks' diving made even more special by some glorious weather. Wrecks in abundance and lots of squidgy marine life to keep everyone content.
Dog fish, scallops, pollock and at least 4 octopus and for those in search of some metal, the SS Breda, SS Ronda, SS Thesis, Hispania and Pelican all provided excellent marine life, swim throughs and history to the trip. Wall dives with lots of interesting cracks , home to crabs and lobster.
With excellent accommodation in the Highland Basecamp, delicious homecooked food and a trip or two to the renowned "Whitehouse" restaurant, the trip was sealed with excellent company and new friends made. Shout out to Lottie (DORIS) for everything!

Training - Skills are multiplying!
Summer 2022
This summer, EMSUB have paid multiple visits to Stoney Cove to complete training and to sign off qualifications. Rob completed his Dive Leader finishing rescue skills and the long tow. Rosie secured Sports Diver and Daniel and Derrin are now both Ocean Divers. Congratulations to all!
There have also been numerous visits to broaden skills and depth progression. Karen has mastered depths of 32m+.

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Swanage - A Jubilee Sensation!
May 2022
The long weekend celebrations were enjoyed by EMSUB with a trip to Swanage. Not only did we enjoy Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee celebrations but we had some of our own. 100th dive and turning 50 and a 70th birthday. Congratulations all round!
Swanage was a fabulous trip and thank you to Rob for organising. The diving, accommodation and refreshments were planned to perfection with contingency plans when things went awry.

Social Antics when there is no diving!

Friday - Dive plan changed, and we dived the Kyarra (32m), a beautiful wreck with lots of history, marine life and artefacts (perfume bottles, tiles and even false teeth). The 2nd dive was the Fleur de Lys (14m) which exploded in 2016 and a barge. Again, lots of marine life and interest. Thank you to Paul Richardson for cooking curry and chilli for dinner, delicious.
Saturday - Bad weather meant diving was cancelled so we enjoyed a trip into Poole with a visit to the Seafood Festival, followed by fossil hunting at Lulworth Cove. Lots of fossils found especially in the local pub! My pulled pork tacos seem to be a hit for dinner.
Sunday - Diving the pier was not an option and so again the plan was adjusted to accommodate for the deteriorating weather conditions. 4 of us managed to squeeze in a cheeky dive to the Valentine Tanks. This didn’t disappoint, conger eels in every hole! and huge crabs and lobsters. Thanks also to Rob’s mum and dad who came along for the boat ride and served teas and coffees.
Fabulous trip, well planned and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Well done, Rob
Plymouth - My First Sea Dive!
May 2022
On the lead up to my first sea dive I was extremely nervous, knowing that the sea can be so unpredictable definitely panicked me.
However, the team I was with and my mentors put me at ease; Richard, Linda, Paul, Nick, John and Derrin made it enjoyable and seamless.

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On the first day we went on the Seeker due to the Abyss being out of action. We sailed out mid afternoon, the weather was warm and the sea was calm. We all got set up and ready dive, my first dive was with Richard Croft who has been my mentor from the start. He stayed by me and made me feel safe.
Whilst under the water I explored my first wreck, it’s was called the James Egan Lane often called the JEL. There was an abundance of sea life which was fab!
We moved to a different location for my Second dive; I explored the HMS Scylla which was a sunken ship. We returned to the boat and made our way back to port for supper.
On the second the day, we set out for an early morning dive, however the weather was completely different. Very overcast and the sea was choppy. This made feel sick and very nervous, even though the previous day had been faultless.
We dived the new stone ledge which was full of fish but the experience was completely different the undercurrent was stronger and I had to be very aware of everything going on around me. We returned back to the boat and I became sea sick, however went in for a second dive.
Over all it was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it all again.